29 December 2007
20 December 2007
i think we've lost just that. we've become so controlled by the giving, feeling like we have to give. feeling like we have to spend a certain amount, we fill wrapped boxes with junk that the receiver certainly doesn't need. isn't that a huge slap in the face to every child (not limited to just children though) in our world who would give anything...and usually does give everything - their life...for even just $1.00?
i am not without fault - i know i'll spend more than i need to this year on family and friends that i love and care for. that is why i've decided to do something different next year. i'm not exactly sure what i'll do - whether i give the money i would usually spend to an organization like world vision, new hope, or the like. there are some gifts that i won't stop giving - to hilario's children, hileudy and adrian. their gifts fulfill needs, not unnecessary wishes. and i can't say that i won't buy anything for anyone, especially my nieces/nephew. i invite you all to rethink your giving...maybe not this year since those presents are mostly bought and wrapped, but in the future.
"be the change you wish to see in the world." ghandi
11 December 2007
LinC in NYC.
06 December 2007
23 November 2007
feliz dia de pabo.
**Just as a side note, i looked up the english to spanish translation on http://www.ets.freetranslation.com/ and they translate it as "accion de gracias feliz": action of thanks.**
i could go on and on with a list of obvious things that i am thankful for: a new job (despite how much i loved the nursery, it was time to move on), a good recovery by my mom, beautiful nieces and nephew, etc etc. i of course am thankful for many things great and small. but the photos below are a representation of what brings such joy and contentment...
now, steven peralta (my co-employee, elvis' son). i don't have a lot to say, other than how adorable he is. its a cute picture to illustrate the point of this blog: what i am thankful for.
what i am thankful for this particular thankgiving 2007, (not that i am more thankful for this than say my mom's health, recovery, and testimony of faith) is my ability to communicate in spanish. i don't say that in a self-promoting intention. i say this because the ability has opened up so many doors for me. it has allowed me to create real and lasting relationships with several co-workers (such as hilario). they add a whole new dimension of joy that puts a smile on my face just thinking of the memories. the fact that i now am a customer of cedar hill nursery is an added blessing - i look forward to the big greeting and welcoming bear hug from hilario and the others.
15 November 2007
a few things yesterday that disturbed me, on different levels:
- on the phone with my boss, who must have been asking me a favor and giving me instructions, but by the sounds in the background was obviously distracted. caught up in the moment and the busyness, ends the conversation with "love ya." now, i am not disturbed at him saying this because he is my boss and it grosses me out. no. i am disturbed at how frequently people (not limiting it to my boss) throw such words out there, and obviously aren't thinking about it or really feeling it at that moment. it obviously came out of his mouth becauuse of the habit of saying it at the end of a phone conversation with his wife. now that's nice and all - but is it just that, habit?
- a second item came to my attention while driving back from grabbing lunch. a woman in an SUV coming towards me, turns left (her right) onto the intersection road. because of this turn, i am aware that she is smoking in the car, and i see a little girl (presumed to be her daughter, though my point is the same no matter what relationship they share) in the seat behind her. now yes, both the window of the woman and the girl were wide open (but maybe that is another concern on a somewhat chilly day). nonetheless, it reminds me of the popular commercial on tv lately - kids with smoke coming out of their noses/mouths. many people still don't realize the harm in second hand smoke. or maybe they are just too selfish (some call it "addiction") to care.
- teen drivers. i could leave it at that, but i won't. i am appalled at the way teens (high school students) drive. not only the type of car they drive....mommy and daddy's 2007 mercedes, etc etc....but the way they think thay are just untouchable. all in one day, i saw at least 3 what could have been very serious accidents, all the result of immature teen driving. and when you catch their reaction after the factor, its smiles and laughter. maybe i wouldn't be as disturbed by this if i hadn't just had my third car accident since july - note, none of which were my fault. but i support my brother-in-law the PE teacher who wants to start a campaign in regard to this issue.
i am done venting. and yes, another blog entry without photos.
11 November 2007
living in Christ.
i think what is important to remember in all of this is to keep in mind what the real goal and focus is. its not about numbers. so when i am told to invite and remind kids of meetings, i do so willingly because i know that my interest is not in getting as many kids there as possible, and that's it. my goal is to create an opportunity, an experience, for these kids to (to steal a phrase) live in Christ. i pray that God will guide me (and all those involved) in this new challenge, to keep Him in sight always.
life is about to get very busy - i feel it in the air. in addition to the routines in my life that are now normal (work, family life, bible study, volleyball on wednesdays, etc) i also start my second year of coaching middle school girls basketball. another item of excitement for me. i am not a fan of just filling our lives with "things" just for the sake of being busy. but when these things are so meaningful and worthwhile, and if Christ is kept at the center, i am open arms.
this all to say, if you want to talk to me or spend time with me, you better schedule an appointment - my windows calendar is filling up quickly. (sarcasm, of course)
05 November 2007
dinner is served.
don't judge me by this. i don't feel that the conditions were optimum for creativity - they wanted a low-medium quantity of plants so it remained pretty basic. stay tuned, however, for additions to my portfolio.
11 October 2007
it takes a community.
09 October 2007
my cup overflows.
02 October 2007
my sisters, mom, and i used to mock out my dad when rolls of film would be developed and the excitement quickly dissipated when discovering that they were dad's work pictures. pictures of poor quality work of the maintenance crew or contractors. pictures of water that shouldn't be inside of a building. plenty of before and after shots. well, another example of my becoming my parents. i can blame it on my job, yes, but interesting nonetheless. my camera now hold more pictures of work site photos than of friends and family.
16 September 2007
embrace it.
12 September 2007
i see so much of kate, yet so much of adam. he is young, so i hate to label him prematurely. then there's these two:
okay, maybe not the best picture - though not bad either. greta (the 7-year-old on the left): sweet, sensitive, shy at first, smart, school-loving (just to continue with my "s" theme). elizabeth (the 4-year-old on right): sneaky, funny, pushes the envelope (as much as a 4-year-old can), night owl, observant (especially of shoes). not necessarily "opposites", but just very different from each other.
these are the types of things that are analyzed by my boss and i on our lunch breaks, drives from project to project, and while working in the office.
09 September 2007
last days of summer.
i'd like to go back to this very spot in a month or so, to see the change in colors. i will have to dress appropriately of course, but i think the experience will be worth it. some more photos for your enjoyment. the photo of the canadian geese in the water is not a reflection of my appreciation or admiration of the creature, rather a demonstration of how intimidating and scary these animals are when you are at the same level as them. don't they look huge? oh and just to note, the last one has nothing to do with kayaking. it is a photo of my grandmother's (mama) neighbors house. i went there to water her plants while she was away, and was pleasantly surprised by the wedding decorations of this peruvian household. (and in case you don't know me, i am not being sarcastic - i enjoy the difference in cultures).
02 September 2007
moving out, moving in.

an old picture, you'll have to forgive me. but because of the time of year (okay, not quite apple picking season), and because of my being reminded of college, a picture of me with two of my dear college house/roommates.