even though i already posted a note of "25 random thing" about me on facebook, since i haven't blogged in a while and feel overdue for a post, i think i will attempt another 25 things. its your choice to read or not. and since you are reading my blog, you know me, and may know some of these things...
1. i always took the whole "don't drink and drive" thing literally as a kid - was always appalled to see my parents take a sip or two (of non-alcoholic beverages) while at the wheel.
2. i don't like tomatoes on sandwiches or in things, but i like ketchup, tomato sauce, and salsa.
3. i get bloody noses somewhat often - in fact, in first grade, i got one randomly while we were sitting on the carpet. it wouldn't stop, so the nurse had my dad come pick me up.
4. i need a blanket or pillow or something to hold when i'm sitting on a couch. i don't know why, i just do.
5. i have never broken a boke or had stitches (aside from stitches when my wisdom teeth were pulled).
6. i had 6 wisdom teeth pulled at once...mostly people only ever have 4 wisdom teeth total.
7. i will often take more than one shower a day, for absolutely no other reason than enjoying its relaxation.
8. one of my favorite books i read in middle school was 'where the red fern grows.' i wanted to have an old dan and little ann of my own.
9. i subconsciously type in my head - i type what i say, i type what others say, i type what i hear on tv. not constantly, but most of the time.
10. i don't like coffee. i even tried to like it a few times. just can't do it.
11. i cried the first time i saw old yeller. (i remember going to sit on my dad's lap cause i was so upset...though it was more that lump in your throat type of upset)
12. i used to have bad dreams after watching shows like cops.
13. i like to listen to music in the shower, though i don't do it very often.
14. i wish i learned to play the piano.
15. i don't wake up well from naps, especially if they are too long - i get all sweaty and feel sick and delirious for a long while after.
16. i have a fear of snakes.
17. i tend to pass out / black out / not feel well at hospitals. visiting newborns and their parents are the exception to this.
18. i have yet to read the last harry potter book, even though i've read the rest and love the series.
19. i much prefer chocolate flavored things to vanilla...but will tolerate vanilla if its the only choice.
20. i rarely wear my hair down. (i know, big shocker)
21. if you make me laugh while i am drinking, i will end up spitting it out all over.
22. i used to be really good at memorizing numbers, phone numbers in general, until cell phones came along and remember it all for us.
23. i used to climb out of my crib to play basketball instead of napping - i had a basketball hoop on the door closet.
24. my family called me "boomer" growing up - apparently it was for my tom-boyish, "hardy" (tough) outgoingness.
25. i've never seen 'back to the future' or 'star wars'.