12 October 2009


i know i tend to resort to using songs as blogs...forgive me. but here is another one based upon psalm 46:10: "be still, and know that I am God..."

hide me now
under your wings
cover me
within your mighty hand
when the oceans rise and thunders roar
i will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
i will be still and know you are God
find rest my soul
in Christ alone
know His power
in quietness and trust.
(words and music by reuben morgan)

04 October 2009


i've neglected this blog long enough, i suppose. i just have a hard time feeling like anything is worth writing about, or worth reading about for that matter. for me, life just seems to chug along as always. i rarely have any major updates - not much changes in my life. in some ways, that is a good thing. it means that i am experiencing stability. in other ways, it can seem boring.

you know how you run into people that you haven't seen in a while and you go through the whole "hey, what's new?" you try to catch up on each others lives. i have that when i go back to the nursery where i used to work. its been over two years, and when i get the chance to stop by to put together plant orders, i catch up with my previous co-workers...only to quickly discover that not a whole lot has changed in my life or theirs. again, not always a bad thing.

but maybe its time to make some changes, whatever they may be. maybe i become too content with things as they are and should wish for and strive for more. the youth director, denise, who i work with as a youth group leader of our high school group LinC always challenges the kids to "dream big" (i find that since i respect denise so much, what she has to say and share with the kids so quickly becomes applicable to my own life). dream big. hmmm, what does that mean for me right now?

the theme for our missions trip this past summer was being "free." not free to do, but free from...you fill in the blank. i think i could fill in that blank in a lot of ways. but one of them has to do with fear, i think when it comes down to it. right now, despite some frustrations and issues to work out at my job, i am comfortable in it. it is stable. in terms of finances and security, i am good. but perhaps my fear of being less "stable" is keeping me from doing something else, something more.

so now, what does it mean for me to dream big and to be free? your guess is as good as mine. feel free to give advice/suggestions/input. for now, i'm seeking guidance from my faithful Shepherd.