11 November 2007

living in Christ.

a.k.a. "LinC". and its about to consume my life (not a bad thing). let me explain...i recently agreed to be a youth leader to the high school group called LinC. it has taken a while to actually reach the point of involvement and feeling part of it, but i think we're getting over the hump. yesterday morning i had youth leader abuse training (striving to prevent any abuse situations, know how to deal with suspected abuse, etc). then a quick leaders meeting to follow. tonight - a regularly meeting with the kids. be there at 5 to "set up", kids come at 6, home by 9ish. we reviewed the schedule for the next coming months. another meeting, trip to nyc, christmas party, breakfast leaders meeting, regular meetings, snow tubing, etc etc. and yet it still sounds very exciting to me. perhaps i'm still in the "honeymoon" stage. my current task - to get some kids who don't now typically go to come and check it out - both from the church i go to, other kids i might know who aren't really involved in a youth group, others from the community.

i think what is important to remember in all of this is to keep in mind what the real goal and focus is. its not about numbers. so when i am told to invite and remind kids of meetings, i do so willingly because i know that my interest is not in getting as many kids there as possible, and that's it. my goal is to create an opportunity, an experience, for these kids to (to steal a phrase) live in Christ. i pray that God will guide me (and all those involved) in this new challenge, to keep Him in sight always.

life is about to get very busy - i feel it in the air. in addition to the routines in my life that are now normal (work, family life, bible study, volleyball on wednesdays, etc) i also start my second year of coaching middle school girls basketball. another item of excitement for me. i am not a fan of just filling our lives with "things" just for the sake of being busy. but when these things are so meaningful and worthwhile, and if Christ is kept at the center, i am open arms.

this all to say, if you want to talk to me or spend time with me, you better schedule an appointment - my windows calendar is filling up quickly. (sarcasm, of course)


Anonymous said...

I know you will make a wonderful LinC leader. You will be a wonderful influence to all those you come in contact with.

Anonymous said...

thanks ricky...can always count on you for support. and i'm glad to have you support me on the board too.

kate said...

good job jill. maybe i should hire you to write my blogs also.

Liesl Botbyl said...

DITTO with my husbands comment!