nobody outcleans the maids. (that's their slogan, by the way) and better yet, nobody has a better logo than the maids. if you don't already know, i'm obsessed with "the maids". i would like to meet the individual who designed that ingenius logo. my boss and his wife recently hired a cleaning company to clean their house (our office is in the basement). i was so disappointed when it was not "the maids". i guess my boss just doesn't get it...NOBODY outcleans the maids.
now that i've blogged, my sister can have her baby...she threatened me that she wouldn't have the baby until i updated my blog. obviously, the baby would have a say in this and would win...but since i'm so anxious for their child to come, i'll do my part.
okay, that'll do. now we'll see what we can do about this baby...by the way, i think "the maids" have an office right near new hope in haledon and i enjoy them too.
And what a satisfied, happy bunch those maids appear to be. A career change might be in order for me.....
i know...i think there are openings...
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