30 September 2008


its amazing how much we can communicate about ourselves, our opinions, our beliefs, without using words...or audible words anyway. lately, as i drive here and there, i have noticed signs. bumper stickers on cars. big signs on highways. signs in front of houses. for example, one car had a political sticker that said "barack o'cain 2008". it went on to say something about how all politicians are the same. interesting. then there is a farmers market type place at a main intersection i drive through just about every day. there are signs for all sorts of fresh things - corn, blueberries, homemade cooking. then there is one that i find so disturbing, that if it were on sesame street, you would say "one of these things is not like the other". hot dogs. i don't even mind the sign for fresh coffee, at least it comes from a plant. but hot dogs?

okay, back to my point. so there is a house on prospect road/street/ave in woodcliff lake that bothers me. i noticed it around the time of september 11th, of course. it is hand painted, red white and blue. it says something like: "9/11. we will remember. never forget. never forgive." wow. never forgive? what a loud thing to be proclaiming, to be supporting, and possibly to be teaching their children. i know that forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do. i know that 9/11 was a horrific tragedy that shook our nation. but i also know what holding on to such things, not forgiving, can do to a person. and that is not something i would encourage...no matter how much someone has offended you. besides, think of all the forgiveness that we receive day after day.

that's my mini-sermon for today.

1 comment:

kate said...

good reminder. that sign sounds as stupid as "NO-bama" :)