21 August 2011

much ado about nothing.

this has nothing to do with shakespeare's comedy, much ado about nothing. in fact, this post (or any post for that matter) has very little to do about anything at all - hence, much ado about nothing. so on that note, i will jump right into it...into nothing...

lately i find myself battling two extremes: pride and inadequacy (not feeling good enough). the two may seem so opposite that they couldn't possibly co-exist, and yet they stem from the same root and even appear to thrive off of each other. both are rooted in sin and reflect a skewed perspective of our relationship with and to God.

pride is sinful because it takes our focus off of God and shifts it to ourselves. we take credit for things we have no right to. all that we are and all that we do is a gift from God. our ability to live and breath and work and learn and play and so on and so forth - it is all from God. there is another avenue of pride that is equally as sinful. it can be seen in how we relate to others and our tendency to judge. this kind of pride is harmful as it puts divisions between us. it often creates an "us" and "them" attitude. pride needs to die inside of me.

inadequacy, for lack of a better word at the moment, and that feeling of not being good enough is sinful because it belittle's God and His power. it neglects to see and accept grace; it forgets the work of Jesus and His death on the cross. the truth is that we are not good enough, my ourselves. but because of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit, we are good enough. each of us has weaknesses but when we work together for His kingdom, we overcome each others weaknesses and help each other grow and strengthen them.

humility is a lifelong lesson, for me at least. humility allows us to be confident in Christ.

here i am, humbled by Your majesty
covered by Your grace so free.
here i am, knowing i'm a sinful man
covered by the blood of the Lamb

now i've found the greatest love of all is mine
since You laid down Your life,
the greatest sacrifice

majesty, majesty
Your grace has found me just as i am
empty handed by alive in Your hands
we sing
majesty, majesty
forever i am changed by Your love
in the beauty of Your majesty

here i am, humbled by the love that You give
forgiven so that i can forgive.
so here i stand, knowing that i'm Your desire
sanctified by glory and fire.

now i've found the greatest love of all is mine
since You laid down Your life,
the greatest sacrifice

majesty, majesty
Your grace has found me just as i am
empty handed by alive in Your hands
we sing
majesty, majesty
forever i am changed by Your love
in the beauty of Your majesty
("majesty" - hillsong united)

more nothingness - some photos from kayaking yesterday at monksville reservoir with jay

starting september 1st i am going to begin item #19 on my '30 by 30' list, reading through the old testament. i cannot promise a daily blog, but i do intend to share reflections as i journey through those books which all point to Jesus.

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