28 March 2012


- "the state of growing in divine grace"

it was good? can you imagine what our once perfect and sinless creation looked like? the beauty of blooming spring flowers certainly provides an allusion to eden, but it isn't the real deal. it isn't the "very good" creation that God made. this isn't what God intended.

forget creation. look at us - look at me, look at you, look around. we aren't what God intended either.

just like flowering spring trees provides an allusion of the good that was intended, we can occasionally sprout some things that resemble "good". but i am far from what God intended of me.

sanctification. sanctification provides hope for me, for you, for us. although we are currently justified, we will also one day be completely sanctified. i long for that day.

all this earth
could all that is lost ever be found
could a garden come up from this ground at all

you make beautiful things
you make beautiful things out of dust
you make beautiful things
you make beautiful things out of us

all around
hope is springing up from this old ground
out of chaos life is being found in You
(gungor - beautiful things)

God intended me to be beautiful, but i am not beautiful today. one day, though.

1 comment:

Jacki said...

Great song. Thanks for posting this Jill