13 August 2013

like mother, like daughter.

over the past few weeks we have done some significant driving. especially for having a now 3-month old. not knowing for sure how she would be (but pretty sure she would be okay) we ventured on the 750 mile trip to michigan for drew's wedding. and the very next weekend we headed out for another 260 mile ride to cape cod. (as an aside, she did great!) with all of this time on my hands i found myself frequently lost in thought as i gazed out the window. i began noticing all of the landscape around us - the trees, the grasses, the wildflowers. and i found myself wanting to point them out to and share them with grace. too young to understand me, let alone appreciate, i could have pointed them out to jay. but he actually beat me to it - queen anne's lace. he already knew because i had already shown it to him in the past. he even added, your mom loves those. yes she does. and now so do i. and hopefully, so will grace. 

there are a million examples of how my mom's joys and interests and loves have filtered down to me (and my sisters). classical music. simplicity. walks. flowers. the list could go on and on. now i realize how much i appreciate all of these things. and i cannot wait to share them all with grace. i'm sure nan will share them with her too. 

05 August 2013

i'm a nerdy mom.

i recall being called a nerdy newlywed not that long ago. the label was assigned because i didn't want to be away from jay for more than one night for our girl's (craft) weekend in ocean city. what can i say? i enjoy being with my husband and miss him after very little time apart. i am proud of my nerdyness.

well, today i am labeling myself. i am a nerdy mom. today (pretty much most of the day) my brain has been thinking about grace - things to do with her, traditions, gifts, etc.. i think this brainstorming was stirred by seeing a photo someone took while they were at a hot air balloon festival. immediately i thought to myself, i want to take grace to one. i have gone a couple of times to one in central jersey growing up.

so that's where my head has been today. i have even begun composing a list - a draft in my email - of such things. am i a nerd? yes. but i am just so excited to be grace's mom and to be able to do these things with her as a family. i shared with jay the beginnings of my "idea" last night on our walk to get sushi and pizza (yes, you read that right). he liked it. that's all that matters. i am proud to be a nerdy mom.