09 March 2010

ghana 2010 - all things.

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast“ (Psalm 139:7-9).

In the fall of 2002 I followed the example of my middle sister and did a semester abroad in Nairobi, Kenya. Before I left she gave me a book she had been working on for me. I took it with me and looked at it every day that I was there. The pages were filled with quotes, Bible verses, photos of family and friends, advice and suggestions of things to do in my time there, her own journal entries and thoughts, and other things. Kate included those verses from Psalm 139 in the book and whenever I come across that passage I cannot help but think of Kenya and the strength that the words provided me while I was away for those almost five months. Even though ten days in Ghana is short in comparison to a semester in Kenya, I still read the psalm and feel encouraged by David’s faith in God’s promises.

Ghana is becoming more and more a reality every day – 11 days. While I am physically unprepared for this trip and have lots of errands to run in the next two weeks, I am mentally ready. I feel that I have a slight advantage having travelled to an African country before, but I think that more importantly God has been preparing my heart and my mind for the trip. I am one of five adults that will be responsible for nine of our youth – I have to be ready. It is my prayer that each one of the students, but even each of us adults, will just be overwhelmed by God’s peace. I pray that whatever fear each person is struggling with will disappear and that God will fill that with the assurance that He is with us. He does not call His people to a task without also providing – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. The Bible is full of examples of individuals who felt incapable of fulfilling the task that God called them to. Many of them had fears and doubts. Some even laughed at God or tried to escape. However, there isn’t even one example of someone that God chose and did not provide for completely – not one. Joshua had a huge task before him, but the Lord gave him these words of encouragement: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). It may not be easy and it may not always be comfortable, but it is always possible if we trust in the God who is capable of all things.

While in Kenya for the semester I had the opportunity to do a lot of traveling throughout the country, including a climb up Mt. Kenya. There were parts of that climb that were not easy or comfortable. I’m sure there were moments when each of us at some point wanted to stop and turn around because the elevation of the mountain above us seemed too big to overcome. A friend of mine, Amy, used a phrase to encourage us all – “All Things.” The apostle Paul knew what it meant to have faith in the midst of trials. While we often misuse his words to tell ourselves that God will show up to help us in the things that we want to do, Paul knew that God would provide the strength necessary to do His will, despite ourselves. “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).


Liesl Botbyl said...

I have another phrase..."God's Grace"

kate said...

i didn't realize there were all of these new updates on your blog! AND i forgot about that book i made for you. maybe this time i can follow in your footsteps and go to africa for a second time after you!