28 December 2010

my sisters are my heroes.

tonight was yet another adventure into the city. here are some photos from the nutcracker - well, not inside during the ballet cause no photography is allowed. considering we had already gotten in trouble for eating and putting our feet on the "furniture" i didn't want to reach strike three, you're out of here.

so i have not yet purchased a really nice camera like my sisters - part of the reason why i went so long without taking any pictures. but that won't stop me from posting my own photos on my blog. i will even copy them and the way they post photos taken of their cute homes and their adorable decor.

a funny short story to share with you: these stones (i was calling them rocks, but i guess they are technically stones) in the last photo were a gift from aunt jan. she obviously knows about my love of these 3 words, of course coming from 1 corinthians 13:13. so after i opened my present, elizabeth (my 8-year-old nieces) asked me what i got. so i showed her and explained that they have my 3 favorite words on them. she continues to ask me, in her completely sweet elizabeth way, "why, they are easy to spell?"


Liesl Botbyl said...

i don't know why i'm your hero....your pictures are awesome with the fanciness of a "good" camera!

kate said...

yes, no need to be intimidated by more expensive cameras, jill. great photos! and i don't know why we should be your heros either -- maybe you should dwell more on that...just kidding :)

Simply Jacki said...

Love the pictures Jill! Hope you guys had a great Christmas :)