relationships are a big part of my life (okay, i know, that sounds pretty simple and obvious - relationships are a big part of everyone's life). Christianity is about being in relationships - with God, most importantly of course, but with others as well. community is a popular word in the context of the church. i am called to be in community and in relationship with those around me - friends, family, even strangers. i am called to love. okay, sure this is pretty easily done. or is it?
i am struck lately by how easy it is to damage relationships. more than that, i am becoming more and more aware of how often my sins, my faults, my failures, my weaknesses, get in the way of building and developing relationships. for me it is pretty easy to love someone. let me rephrase that. it is pretty easy for me to have feelings of love for someone. it is extremely difficult for me to express and demonstrate selfless love for others. sin always creeps in and corrupts what is meant for good.
i know this all sounds simplistic and obvious. but, i am still learning. i am still learning, first of all, what my faults are and how they get in the way of relationships. second, i am still learning how to grow beyond those faults and prevent them from being harmful.
but we have this perfect example of God's love for us through the gift of Jesus Christ. Jesus loved perfectly. i need to die to my self, so that Christ's love can live through me. there is no love apart from God. "we love because He first loved us."
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