05 September 2011

genesis 21-25

they are familiar stories to most of us. abraham and sarah finally have a son together (despite both of their old age), whom they name isaac. but before we know it, God instructs abraham to take his son and sacrifice him as a burnt offering. we all know how it goes - abraham, with incredible faith and obedience to God, follows his command and takes his son up the mountain to be sacrificed. at the last minute, with isaac tied up and bound to the altar, God stops abraham from harming his son and instead provides a ram to be sacrificed. it is a very familiar story that much could be said about.

while i read it this morning i began to think about isaac. not necessarily isaac as a person, but what isaac represents. abraham and sarah greatly desired to have children (a child) together. it started to seem impossible as they grew older. in fact, when sarah heard that she would have a child, she laughed because it seemed that ridiculous and that impossible. yet God had made a covenant with abraham that his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky. God, of course, follows through on his promise with the surprising birth of isaac. isaac is greatly treasured and adored - their only son after much waiting.

God tests abraham. when asked to give up something that he values most, abraham obeys without hesitation. what is his reward? not only does he get to keep isaac, but God will bless him beyond imagination. abraham put God first, despite his love for isaac.

what (or who) is my "isaac"? would i be as faithful and obedient as abraham if God asked me to give it up, or if he simply took it away? sometimes i have a tendency to hold on to things or people too tightly, and can be tempted to place their value above God in my life. but if i obey God and keep Him as the number one in my life, i will find that not only may i be able to keep that thing which i value, but also be blessed even beyond what i imagine.

1 comment:

Liesl Botbyl said...

if i read your blog review, can it count as my 40 by 40? just kidding!